the mystic syllables yop, yeep, and yoop
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 3
The Adventures of "The Adventures of Alyx"
This was in Ourdh, where all things are possible
Among the Worst Ways to Die...
Reading every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 2
Some non-weird non-old books
in which I briefly suspend my vow to read only the strange and obscure
Dark Flowers of the Pulp Age
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 1
The Women and the Warlords (1987)
the second half of a feminist epic
The Wordsmiths and the Warguild (1987)
teenage fantasy protagonist but make him act like an actual teenage boy
Paradise and Hell: “The Gardens of Delight” by Ian Watson
with some thoughts on the value of modesty in fiction
Phantasmion: The First Fantasy Novel
Love and grief at the dawn of fantasy literature
Rage and Revenge in Aboriginal Australia’s First Fantasy Novel
"The Kadaitcha Sung" asks whether the crimes of colonisation can ever be set right