Mini-Reviews 1: Simak & Moorcock
The world's first multiverse crossover. Also: WEREPYRAMID
the mystic syllables yop, yeep, and yoop
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 3
The Adventures of "The Adventures of Alyx"
This was in Ourdh, where all things are possible
Among the Worst Ways to Die...
Reading every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 2
Some non-weird non-old books
in which I briefly suspend my vow to read only the strange and obscure
Dark Flowers of the Pulp Age
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 1
The Women and the Warlords (1987)
the second half of a feminist epic
The Wordsmiths and the Warguild (1987)
teenage fantasy protagonist but make him act like an actual teenage boy
Paradise and Hell: “The Gardens of Delight” by Ian Watson
with some thoughts on the value of modesty in fiction
Phantasmion: The First Fantasy Novel
Love and grief at the dawn of fantasy literature