Mini-Reviews 1: Simak & Moorcock
The world's first multiverse crossover. Also: WEREPYRAMID
Purest Hazard
The Grand Wheel (1977), Barrington J. Bayley
the mystic syllables yop, yeep, and yoop
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 3
The Adventures of "The Adventures of Alyx"
This was in Ourdh, where all things are possible
Among the Worst Ways to Die...
Reading every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 2
Dark Flowers of the Pulp Age
reviewing every Clark Ashton Smith story, part 1
Paradise and Hell: “The Gardens of Delight” by Ian Watson
with some thoughts on the value of modesty in fiction
Discovering the True Nature of Time with Brian Aldiss’ “Cryptozoic!”
time travel, psychedelia and Freud
"The Zen Gun" (1983)
cosmic decadence and unionised robots
Linguistic Superpowers: Samuel R. Delany's "Babel-17"
the strong Sapir-Whorf hypothesis jacked up on steroids